Bikini Wax FAQs

Bikini Waxing Terminology

What is a bikini line?
Bikini line is a basic tidy; they wax the sides (called your panty line) and across the top. If you’re wearing a bikini, this will prevent any hairs from "peeking out".
What is a bikini full?
Bikini (full) is the next step and allows you to take off as much or as little hair as you like off the front. If you want to leave a small "landing strip", triangle or nothing at all, it’s up to you!
What is an aesthetician?
An aesthetician is someone who works at a salon or spa, giving specialized skincare treatments to clients, in particular facial skincare treatments. They may also perform body treatments such as body wraps, massages, waxing, sugaring, manicures and pedicures.
Why do they call it a bikini wax??- Why Brazilian??
Brazilian bathing suits are cut extremely small. They are a cross between bikini's and thongs. The bikini wax allows one to sport a Brazilian bikini.
What is the difference between a G-string wax and a bikini wax?
They are the same thing. They both get rid of all the hair apart from a landing strip. It looks sexy.
What's the difference between a bikini wax and a Brazilian Tidy?
You will need a bikini wax. This is referring to the fact that you are going to have a lot more hair then someone who gets them all the time and just needs to go in to 'tidy' things up.

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Basic Questions

How do I undergo my first bikini wax?
Don't do it yourself, go to a salon and get it done by a professional. My girlfriend did it herself, but got much better results from a salon. Its worth it.
What exactly gets covered in a bikini wax?
It includes the bikini line. A brazilian will get rid of all the hair apart from a trimmed landing strip at the top. You can even ask them to take everything off. So yes, the brazilian will do the lot and it would be the one you want. Plus they look really sexy.
What is the difference between a bikini wax and a bikini wax?
Brazilian takes it all off. Bikini just does the bikini line.
About how much does it cost to get a bikini wax?
I believe it costs anywhere from $40 and up(I get mine for $45). If your thinking of getting it done, make sure you go to a clean place. A bad experience may discourage you from having a bikini wax in the future and cause you problems from skin infections and ingrown hairs. I think It is best to choose a beauty salon from a word of mouth recommendation or a salon with a good reputation. As far as the pain goes, its not way too bad, but its not the best feeling in the world. Some areas are a lot more sensitive than others because the skin is thinner.Try to engage in conversation with your beautician during a bikini wax session as this will help you relax and keep your mind off the waxing. Some places actually sell a numbing cream that you can use before you come in. I'm not too sure if it works, but guess i its worth a shot if you can't really take the pain of waxing well. The results from a bikini wax may last between 3 to 6 weeks depending on your hair regrowth rate. The more often you go, less hair grows back.
What can I expect during my bikini wax?
Just make sure you shower before appointment! That's the only thing us professional expect. We know its strange to be naked in front of someone with your body in a fashion you never thought possible! You are going to find ways to position your body you never thought possible, seriously! It will hurt a bit. But your waxer will walk you through it. Trust me, she is used to nervous women during this service. The price is between $50-$65. Tip 18% as that is customary in NY. Once you get over the first appointment you will feel much better. Just relax don't tense your body. If you tense it hurts more. And some women ever pass gas during this service, don't feel embarrassed, like i said as a professional we are used to this.
What are the advantages of a bikini wax over shaving?
Believe it or not, most women don't shave or wax. Pubic hair on a woman is as natural as it is on a man. This is just a fashion thing, and it will pass like the others. But to answer your question, waxing is quicker, lasts a lot longer, and doesn't cause razor burn or the risk of cuts in sensitive areas.
What is the difference between a Hollywood wax and a bikini wax?
Brazilian - All the hair is removed apart from a trimmed landing strip at the top. Hollywood - This means that that all hair is removed from the undercarriage and between the buttock cheeks, with a landing strip/triangle left at the front in the case of a male Brazilian wax, or absolutely everything off in the case of a male Hollywood wax
Where should I go to get a bikini wax done?
a professional salon is your best bet it does hurt quite a bit but taking an ibuprofen an hour before going lessens the pain it can cost anywhere from 25 to 100 depends on place
Does anyone know if there is an age limit for getting a bikini wax at a salon?
usually there is no age limit, in fact the women who do my brazillian actually tell me that it is the best thing to happen to women of th etwenty first century. Plus the women who does mine has a ballet daughter and waxes hers for her daughter so shes totally confortable doing brazillians. By the way I had my first brazillian when I was 15, I never regretted it although you will have to worry about in groun hairs. They look like pimiple and feel weird!
What are some different shapes I could get for my bikini wax?
As a guy, I really like the idea of the lightening bolt. That sounds pretty cool!
How much should I tip the lady that does my bikini wax?
if she did a great job and you were happy with it then $15 is perfect. If she did an okay job and you were still fairly happy with it then $10. $5 if she made you feel uncomfortable or any other minor problem.
Anything else I should know about waxing?
You should refrain from using waxing as a hair-removal method if you are using Retin-A (currently or in the last 3 months), Acutance (currently or in the past 4 months), other keratolytic medications (that increase skin exfoliation), or are sunburned or recovering from a recent laser peel.
Will I be perfectly smooth after my first wax?
It's possible but not probable. Some clients are smooth as a baby's bottom after their first experience. However, it is common that after the first 2 or 3 waxings you may feel a wee bit of stubble. This occurs most frequently with clients that have coarse, dark hair, and it is most common with leg waxings. The reason for stubble is because your hair grows on 3 different cycles, each lasting about 28 days. It takes a few services for your hairs to all grow out long enough to be grabbed entirely by the wax. When it does: smooth sailing!
Will it make my hair grow back thicker?
Absolutely not. If that were the case, then wouldn't a bald man be able to wax his head and grow hair? waxing does not cause you to grow more hair follicles. In fact, if you become a regular waxer, you will notice that your hair will become quite sparse and not as coarse.
Will it make my hair grow back darker?
No. waxing will not change the pigment of your hair.
Is it customary to add gratuity to my service?
The industry standard for gratuity is 15%-20% but the amount you choose to leave is completely at your discretion.
What should I wear while I am getting a bikini wax?
We will provide you with disposable bikini bottoms for your comfort during the bikini wax service.
Do I have to be naked?
No, not completely. But we will need you to undress from the waist down, including your underwear. I know it's a little unnerving for you, but trust me; we do these ALL day long. To us, it's all just skin and hair. So, please don't feel embarrassed. We will do our best to put you completely at ease!
I just got a bikini wax done for the first time. Can I shower?
i wouldn't see why not...i would use luke warm water tho cuz it might sting if the water is too hot.
How do I benefit from waxing?
Waxing reduces hair growth when performed at every four weeks. While shaving crops the hair at the skin's surface, waxing pulls it out by the root, so it grows back softer, finer, and thinner. Waxing is great for those who are tired of the hassle of shaving several times per week. The more you wax, the less hair grows back.If you’re a bride or attending a special occasion, I recommend receiving waxing services a month before your special day to see how your skin reacts. If everything is fine, reschedule another wax a few days before the event.
What are the benefits of getting a bikini wax?
I used to shave and despite bumps I was content with doing this until my friend talked me into getting a bikini wax. It did hurt, but feels great afterwards. I have gone at least 5 more times since. It lasts a long time and eventually the hair grows in more sparce and softer and thinner. Basically it lasts longer than shaving and then over time you can wax less often as well. Using products like Pre-kini which I got from the drugstore helps a LOT. (directions on bottle) Also Use Ibuprofen before you go and after and then you wont have the inflammation and redness you might have otherwise. All my experiences have been fabulous and it really leaves you smooth. I get everything removed, so my waxer used the hard wax first and then the soft wax to get any strays. Hope this helps! :)
Why should I wax?
waxed hair grows back smooth and fine, unlike the stubble that shaving causes. Each time you wax, the hair follicle weakens and can eventually die, leaving you with less hair. waxing also lasts significantly longer than other epilation methods.
Why go to this extreme?
It allows women to comfortably wear revealing swimwear and lingerie.

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Pain Questions

Does it hurt?
Of course ripping hair out of follicles isn’t going to be an utterly comfortable experience. However, in the hands of an experienced esthetician the process is only minorly painful. It helps if your esthetician has prolonged experience with hair removal, especially with Brazilian Bikini Waxes. Make sure she holds your skin taught. She may even ask you for help. Danger signs are if your skin tears or becomes bruised. You might not want to wax four (4) days before, or four (4) days after your menstrual cycle. You will find it is a little more painful on these days. It is also more uncomfortable if you are overly tired or are feeling a little under the weather.
Will I be uncomfortable after my wax?
For those of you who are getting a Bikini Wax for the first time, I would say probably. Let’s put it this way, the coarser your hair and the more sensitive your skin, the more sensitivity you will feel during and after the wax. Some first-time clients are uncomfortable for an hour or so and others feel a little bit sore for a day or two. Additionally, it is important not to wear tight jeans or pants if it is your first time waxing. And don’t throw yourself into a spinning class or do anything else that involves a lot of friction right after a wax! Ouch! The best way to minimize the discomfort is to take an ibuprofen 20 minutes before you wax, another after your wax, and then use a cool compress on the area if needed. (But remember not to place the ice directly on your skin.) You won’t need to do this every time, but it may help the first couple of times. Once you start waxing regularly, it will become a breeze and you likely won’t feel any discomfort once the wax is finished. Plus, we always use fabulous balms to treat your skin after a wax to ensure the most rapid relief possible! For more information on prepping for a wax, see »»How to Prepare.
Is there any way to avoid the pain involved in a bikini wax?
not unless you supply your own topical numbing agent, or ask if they have one. and that won't even work very well. beauty is pain, hun! lol
Can I have bikini wax if I've almost lost consciousness while they plucked my eyebrows once?
Ummm you probably shouldnt since its in and even more sensitive area than your face, maybe you could do an at home one and if you can endure that then you can try going to a pro. Good Luck!
On a scale of 1 to 10, how painful is a bikini wax?
6/7 - jus temporary pain, easily bearable!! Jus uncomfy.... beauty is pain and all that!
How to ease the pain of a bikini Wax?
You could try a topical anesthetic. Here in Canada, there is an over the counter product called EMLA, which is a cream you can apply to the skin 20-30 minutes prior to waxing, then wipe off. It is similar to what the dentist brushes onto your gums to freeze it before using the freezing needle. It would work best if you also cover the area with plastic wrap to maximize absorption. It is short acting and will wear off fairly quickly, so it should last just long enough for you to finish.
Does it hurt?
A little painful, yes, but the results are well worth it. You’ll eventually get used to the discomfort. Routine waxing helps to reduce the pain, and will minimize irritation.
Can I use Orajel cream to numb pain for a bikini wax?
Yeah ... go on ... can't hurt ... just keep it well away from your bits! Make sure you trim your hair to 1cm or so, that helps with the pain.
How badly does a complete bikini wax hurt?
it will hurt. grit those teeth. when they pull that tape take a deep breath in as they pull. that will lessen the pain.
How can you reduce bikini waxing pain?
Be sure to hydrate and moisturize the skin before and between waxing. Drinking water and applying moisturizer like Dry Oil Spray and Ultimate Balm on a daily basis is not only beneficial to your body leading up to a wax, but highly beneficial to your overall health.
Does it hurt?
Many clients use a product called RELAX AND WAX NO SCREAM CREAM to ease the pain/discomfort up to 80%. NO SCREAM CREAM is a topical anesthetic lotion that absorbs into the skin and will not interfere with your waxing service. Apply 30 to 45 minutes prior to your waxing and relax. NO SCREAM CREAM is not messy, greasy, nor will it harm your clothing. Available for $14.95 and lasts 2-5 waxings depending on what part of the body it's used on. You will never want to be waxed again without it.
What can you do to make it hurt less?
First, choose the right center: one that uses an all-natural, elastic wax that's applied at body temperature, as it is gentler on the skin when the hair is removed. Other tips include: Don't drink alcohol beforehand. It may seem like a good idea, but you will tighten the pores, which will make the hair more difficult to remove. Lastly, stick to your waxing schedule. Once your hair growth is in a pattern, it will be easier to remove, but if you're not maintaining your waxes, it could be more uncomfortable.
What if I have a really low pain tolerance?
We suggest taking a mild pain reliever like Aleve or Tylenol 30 minutes before your appointment. This can help to lessen any pain you may experience during your services.
How do you get used to a bikini wax?
Don't shave it makes the hair stronger, you can trim. The first time is always more painful because the hair is thicker from shaving. Just keep going for the waxing you will see great results. NO pain NO gain :)
Can they put you to sleep while you get a bikini wax?
No they can't...but you take precautions and prepare for a less painful experience! Alot of things affect pain: if your hairs are too long, and going right before your period. Your highest pain tolerance is one week after your period. You can even take an anti-inflammatory like Advil beforehand. From personal experience, I've had mostly good experiences with bikini waxing and only one bad one b/c my hairs were way too long. However, there are better places and methods than others. I discovered a waxing haven called European Wax Center. However, there are not too many locations (all in Florida). If you visit their website & get to know their method of applying "cold" and FLEXIBLE wax (or European wax), go somewhere where they do this. My results are super consistent, I am never red down there after wards. (Uni-K wax is alright, but their cold wax is not that flexible). Stay away from places that use hot wax and strips, this is so old-school and WAY too painful compared to cold wax where they just pull the wax off when it hardens. Using the "colder" wax results in the wax grabbing more hair at a time, compared to hot wax where they go over and over the same spot resulting in red skin. Good luck finding a place, you'll be fine, it is so worth it and I actually look forward to my appointments, I have one tomorrow! :)

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Before Waxing

What should I do to prepare for a bikini wax?
my mom is an aesthetician (sp?)... make up, massages, waxing, and facials. but she tells me some stories. but just be relaxed, make sure you go after your time of the month. your skin is most sensitive before you're expecting it. and shower. no one wants to wax someone smelly. no offense... but it doesn't hurt. and ask to relieve pain or redness by putting tea tree oil on it afterwards. when my mom waxes my brows, they're hardcore sensitive, she puts oil over the waxed are and applies pressure. it will sooth your skin so it doesn't itch or get red. but just be relaxed and calm! it'll be over with in no time. just think of the benefits.
What should I do to prepare for my visit?
You should arrive “freshened up” or if there isn’t time, we provide moistened “towelettes” for your convenience.
Can I use a numbing cream before I wax?
I would rather you didn’t. Numbing creams can interfere with the application of the wax or, in certain situations, cause allergic reactions. For instance, somebody could be allergic to a benzocaine that contains an anti-itch formula without knowing it. They apply it before they wax, then become itchy. Thinking this is a reaction to the wax, they reapply the product, and therefore worsen the situation. Beyond this, I’m wary of using chemicals around such a sensitive area full of membranes and have heard horror stories of people not knowing a wax is too hot for their skin (our wax is kept at a steady warm temperature) because they are so numb. So, please avoid numbing creams or sprays.
What are the most common mistakes women make before a bikini wax?
Consuming alcohol thinking that it will ease the pain, but it tightens pores, which can lead to a painful waxing experience. Also, trimming hair too short before waxing because they think the hair is too long. Or shaving between waxing services, which reverses the benefits of waxing, including removing hair from the root and having silky smooth skin.
What can you do prewax to make the hair come out better?
Keep the skin hydrated and healthy. If your skin is too dry, your hair is more prone to breakage at the root when removed. One way is of course to drink lots and lots of water to hydrate from the inside out, as well as using a great moisturizer on the area to be waxed for at least several days prior to your wax service.
I'm one of those super organized people: Do I need to prepare for my wax?
No, your aesthetician will have everything they need to perform your bikini waxing.
Is there anything I should do before my waxing appointment?
  • Refrain from taking a shower or bath immediately before the treatment. Soaking the hair will soften it, allowing it to break more easily and making waxing less effective.
  • Make sure the hair is the appropriate length for waxing.
  • Make sure that the area(s) to be waxed are clean.
  • There are certain medications and products that should not be taken or used if you plan to have a waxing treatment soon. Topical exfoliants used on the area to be waxed such as Retin-A, Renova, and hydroquinone, oral acne medications such as Accutane, blood-thinning medications, and topical/oral cortisone make the skin more sensitive and increase the likelihood of irritation or other complications. Please check with your doctor if you are unsure whether you should be waxed while on or using a medication.

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Salons & Spas

How can you tell if a salon is sanitary (other than no double dipping)?
You're usually on the right track if you find a center that focuses solely on hair removal. From the moment you walk into the salon, it should look and smell clean. When you are in the waxing room, the wax to be used specifically for your service should be freshly made and look presentable. Everything the waxer uses during your service should be either highly sanitized or new for your service.
bikini wax... where to go, who to call?
Do you have a salon you go to for your hair? Just call any place find out their prices & tell them what you want done.
Where would i go to get a bikini wax? at a nail salon? or a hairdressing salon?
Most definitely go to a reputable, and upscale day spa if it is within your budget to do so. Most will have well trained, and experienced esthesticians who will perform the waxing services for you. Plus, its a great environment - quite relaxing, which helps when getting a bikini wax! Sure, you can go to a hair salon too. But at a nail salon? Such as a 'discount' salon (those strip mall places that charge like $25 or less for a full set. I don't know if this one does waxing or not, but Regal Nails in Walmart is a great example of a 'discount' nail salon). I would not suggest going to one of those places for anything - not for waxing, or for nails either, because the vast majority of the time the person performing these services is untrained, has little experience, and in many cases, they are unlicensed as well (Not all, but in many states, a license is required to perform any type of body waxing). Thus, they are typically not qualified to do the job. In addition to that, these salons are well known to be quite filthy in terms of bacteria, and germs which can be very harmful, even dangerous, to your health. This fact has been well documented over the past few years, and more and more are being heavily fined, and even shut down because of these things. Avoid this type of salon. They may be cheap, and save you a few bucks, but seriously, isn't your health and well-being much more important to you than the possibility of saving a few bucks? But hey, its your body, so where you choose to go is your choice. This is only my opinion.
Does it really matter who does your bikini wax if u take the whole thing off?
it's all in each persons technique. you want someone fast with the ripping, and soothing lavender oil after. less favorable would be the one that doesn't get a good grip and keeps slipping then with a rough washcloth rubs alcohol on your super sensitive snatch. it took me a few tries to find my grrl and she'll have to be cold and dead in the ground for me to stop seeing her. happy hunting!!
When spas say a bikini wax costs $80 and up. what determines the and up?
The and up refers to the peri-anal area. The little spot that is between the ...... front and your rear? Yeah, no offense to any underagers.... It just means that you can have a basic brazilian that does all of the visible hair in the front, and on your labia (lips?). Or, you can go all the way and get everything taken off. Hope I helped!

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The Process

How is a Brazilian bikini wax done?
They take it all off, all of the hair from the front to the back, beaning if you have hair in/on your rear they take that too. You are usually asked to remove your clothes from the waist down. Some women aren't comfortable with this so you can keep them on if you prefer. The fact is, underwear needs to be moved all the way over to do the job correctly, so you'll end up pretty exposed anyway. The Brazilian Bikini Wax usually requires your active participation positioning you body so the esthetician can remove your hair. The esthetician applies warm wax to a small section of your skin. A smooth fabric strip is placed over waxed area and rrrrrip. The hair is removed by a brisk tug. This procedure is continued until the shape you prefer is created or your pubic area is hair-free. Any remaining hair's are plucked with tweezer's prior to applying an ointment to the newly waxed area to smoothe any irritation. Does it hurt? This service is not as painful as one would expect, using a hard wax instead of a soft wax reduces the discomfort by 70%.
What is the procedure for bikini waxing?
To begin, the hair is snipped with scissors, if necessary, and then wax is applied a little at a time. The hair is removed and the procedure continues.
Can someone please explain the process of a bikini wax to me? im not a shy person but I decided to do this myself about 6 months ago and definately was a bit hesitant. Its not bad at all. The give you a litle paper thong..and when i say little, I mean t wouldnt sufficiently cover a 5 year old lol...but you get to keep that on. Its kinda like saying im going to give you this little shard of fabric in hopes you will be able to keep a shard of self respect. Haha, im just kidding. My waxer made me very comfortable and talked the whole time so it wasnt as ackward. The remove every single bit of hair, from the top of your bikini line to the top of your bum crack. It feels great afterwards! As far as pain goes, it various depending on how course your hair is. For instance, a friend of mine did it before me and it was extremely painful for her because she had course curly hair. As for me, I have thin, fine hair and it barely even fazed me. Take about 3 ibuprofen about an hour before you go to help with the pain.
When you get a bikini wax, do they wax your rear, too?
Yes they do wax the rear. But to be honest, it doesn't hurt that bad! They will probably lift your legs up and do it that way. I've heard that some places even make u turn around bent over. I would be wayy too uncomfortable with that.
When getting a bikini wax, do they remove hair from your labia?
If you can do the bikini area, you can do the brazilian =o) My first time getting waxed was brazilian, though I get the "strip tease" which they just leave a little thin strip of hair. First time i didn't know what to expect, but it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Just be sure to go to someone that is recommended to you. If you go to just anyone they might not be great and you can get bruising and red bumps. I go to the same lady...and each time it gets easier, plus it's friggin sexy! You'll love it! You may be a little sore for that first day, but that's normal, after that you'll be doin bathroom breaks all the time to check out how sexy you look!
How to act during a bikini wax?
Just tell her - I am really nervous, or say thats too hot, or that really hurts, we don't know if you don't say it. Don't be dramatic or playful just say what you mean.
Is a second person needed to do a bikini wax?
No, a second person is not needed when getting a bikini wax. Just the beautician and yourself. Just close your eyes and pretend you're at your gyn. I've a very strong threhold on pain even i find it a little too painful for my comfort but then it is trully worth it. Smooth as a baby bottom. Cos you have to do it when it started to grow. But I like bikini wax. It makes me feel very clean there you know. I'll have it done for a few months, grow them back for a few months then have it done again. Depends on my mood. Hope this help.
What is a big no-no when lying down on the waxing table?
Interfering with the treatment -- always leave the waxing to the professionals. There was a mom who visited Uni K Wax with her daughter to get the girl’s eyebrows waxed. The mom tried to control the waxing and actually moved the waxer's hand to get the shape she wanted! This caused the wax to fall on the girl’s eyelid. Luckily, the waxer was able to remove the wax with oil and finish the service with no other accidents.
Do they numb you before they wax you when you get a bikini wax.
Unfortunately, there is no effective way to numb the skin before a waxing treatment.
Is it general practise to have underwear on or off when getting a bikini wax?
You leave your underwear on and the therapist adjusts it as necessary to get into all ur nooks and crannies! In all honesty u'd be as well with it off as they must see pretty much everything anyway, but they think its more dignified if u have it on!
Do you have to get naked when you get a bikini wax?
From the waist down, at least. You can have those fake paper underwear things, but really, what's the point??
What's the average amount of wax strips used in a bikini wax?
Kinda hard to say - it depends on how hard your hair is to remove, if there are any problems with temperature of the wax, how big the strips are cut, how much hair there is to remove, how big of an area the hair is being removed from. I'd say maybe 6 - 8 strips for bikini line, somewhere around 20 for a brazilian. Just all depends on the waxer and the person being waxed.
Can I use muslin strips with GIGI brazilian hard body wax even if it doesn't require them?
You can try but unfortunately the wax usually doesn't stick to the strip. Good luck to you!!

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Related to Sex

Does bikini wax make the woman's sexual desire increase?
Yep, my girlfriend is always more horny after shes had it done. But less horny when the hair starts growing back.
Do women get turned on during a bikini wax?
depends if they like sexual pain..then if they do then.. sure they can get turned on during a between the *** waxing.
How much time should I 'recover' from a bikini wax before I have play down there?
Just a few hours (like 2) for me. The moment the pain is gone it's a go!

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Related to Pregnancy

Would a bikini wax cause me to go into labor?
LOL, no it will not cause you to go into labor, but you may want to hold off on waxing "down there" until after the baby is born. Waxing may prove too uncomfortable for you since you're almost full term. They require you to get into some weird positions at times, and your belly may hinder you. Plus it HURTS for real, and you'll get enough of that when you go in to labor. :)
I'm about 35 weeks preggo and i'm trying to figure out if i should get a bikini wax or not?
First of all "your man" should not be complaining.....a husband should be more than willing to pleasure his wife. Second blood flow to the vaginal area has may making waxing even more painful. The drop in blood pressure do to the discomfort could trigger early labor. This can also lead to a drop in sugar level.s A nice and neat little trim will do just fine. Third the LAST thing he should be thinking about after having his baby is sex. You need to allow your vagina to heal. You will also be heaving a discharge on and off for the 4-6 weeks following the delivery. If you want to keep him "turned on and interested" DO not have oral sex during this time. I assure you a man will NOT be turned on by a vagina that has a bloody discharge.
Is it safe to use bikini wax during pregnancy?
Yes! its completey safe! i reccomend it just because its hard to shave down there b/c our big bellies are in the way! just make sure you trim the hair b4 you go to reduce the pain.

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Related to STD's

Can you get chlamydia from getting a bikini wax?
OK, S.T.D. Sexually Transmitted....hints the S and the T...your doctor was right. Although some cases are through mouth, skin to skin...but NOT double dipping your wax stick. No it is not possible.
Can you catch any diseases by having a bikini wax done? How sanitary is that?
No I wouldn't imagine something would be passed on. Besides the wax is warm so it would inhibit some growth of bacteria. But yeah I'm sure there are some cases of people getting sick. But I doubt its anything like hepatitis.
Is waxing sanitary? Can I get an STD?
Absolutely not. wax is antibacterial by nature. It is impossible to transfer anything during a wax.
Genital herpes and bikini wax?
Well, I have my bikini area waxed and I had never given it a second thought - and I have genital herpes. It doesn't cause outbreaks for me or anything. I don't see why you should inform them you have genital herpes before they wax you - I never would and never have. Obviously I would cancel if I had an outbreak, but that is for my own comfort. People who get cold sores (oral herpes) don't inform their dentists, and don't tell their beautician before she waxes their upper lip - they would never see a need, and neither do I. They aren't at risk of catching genital herpes from you by touching you, because their genitals are not making contact with your genitals. And one in four women they treat has genital herpes, just like 8 in 10 a dentist sees have oral herpes. That is just the way it is. It doesn't matter at all.
If you have genital warts, can you get a bikini wax?
No waxin place will give you service having warts, since it's a risk for them. Get treatment, then worry about waxing

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Related to your Period

Should I schedule a bikini wax 1 week after 1st day or last day of my period?
I think it's actually one week after the start of your period. Your hormones are calmer and your sensitivity is reduced. It depends on your pain tolerance and whether or not you've had this done before. You should be fine if you do it a week after the start.
I have my period! Do I need to cancel?
No! It doesn't bother us at all. Just use a tampon and we will work around the string. Honestly, it happens all the time!
Can you get a bikini wax during your period?
Yes, you can have a bikini wax during your period. However, if you are sensitive during your menstrual cycle, you might want to avoid a bikini wax during those days.
Timing issue: Can I wax during that time of the month?
Sure, you can receive a bikini wax if it's that time of the month. But ... just be aware that the area is more sensitive and you may experience more discomfort than usual.

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After Waxing

Why do you get itchy down there after a wax? How can you make it stop?
Some people are itchy after a bikini wax because they have used a hot, synthetic wax, which irritates the skin. Find a center that uses an all-natural, elastic wax applied at body temperature to never experience the "itchy down-there feeling."
How long after a bikini wax before you can tan?
I would wait a day or two...and make sure you put tanning lotion around...the it doesnt get as irritated from the UV rays. o, and moisturize like crazy!
Whats the best way to care for a bikini wax?
grapeseed oil and camphor. you can get grapeseed oil at a healthfood store and camphor oil too...just put a few drops of the camphor in the grapeseed oil. it's important to keep moisturized with a noncomedogenic moisturizer to avoid bumps rashes and ingrown hairs. the exfoliating is good, just be sure you are using something really mild on that sensitive area! the other thing is not wearing tight clothing as it tends to irritate the skin and ingrown hairs often happen where clothing is rubbing. wearing undies that don't have tight elastic is good...v.s. makes good ones that are lace down thar and aren't tight or abrasive to the freshly de-haired area. enjoy that wax job.
Can you get big spots like boils after having bikini wax
sebaceous cyst is actually the term you are looking for - it is an ingrown hair caught inside a a hard ball of sebum in a hair follicle. They tend to happen along the panty line where the elastic rubs against the skin. Get a doctor to lance it. he will then put you on antibiotics When you get a bikini wax, do they wax your
What are the long term effects of a bikini wax?
With all waxing, the regrowth is softer and finer than is achived with shaving (no stubble!) The skin is held taught while the wax is applied and removed but is not streched by the process. The only possible problem would be ingrown hairs- the same as on your underarm or leg, but unless you are prone to them they are unusual on the pubic area.
I had my first bikini wax on Friday and now Im peeling, like a sunburn, is this normal?
Yes its normal. Its a defense mechanism of your body. Try a soft scrub on the area. That way you wont get ingrowns.
What are the possible side effects of waxing and how can they be minimized?
Although we can not predict or guarantee who may react, most clients do not experience reactions beyond redness and minor irritation. Hair may break at the root during waxing, causing some hairs to grow out faster. Please follow these guidelines to minimize irritation and possible break outs.
  • Avoid the sun immediately after waxing and please wear sun screen; recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation (permanent darkening of the skin) if exposed to the sun.
  • Avoid heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after waxing.
  • Avoid saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools and other heated sources for at least 48 hours.
  • Do not use exfoliating products (AHAs, scrubs, etc) and loofas for at least 24 hours after waxing as they might further irritate your skin.
  • Avoid tight clothing after waxing, especially in the waxed areas. Tight clothing may result in irritation and ingrown hairs
  • Regular exfoliation may be helpful to remove dead skin so your hairs can get out above the surface of the pores and not become ingrown.
  • Routine waxing helps the skin get accustomed to the procedure and may minimize irritation
What can I expect afterwards?
Let your skin heal. After you get your bikini wax, it is likely that your skin may be slightly irritated and possibly red. If this happens it will usually clear in a few days. Apply Polysporin at least once a day for 3 days to speed healing.
Women - why is it hard to pee standing up with a bikini wax done?
Ok, I'll tackle this one honestly. Peeing standing up isn't impossible - not by a long shot (pun intended) - and it is the sanitary way to go in a filthy world. I've noticed my own aim can be way off after a night of wild sex, and since a bikini wax can cause skin irritation, and some swelling of the labia which you might not notice but is still there, I assume the cause and effect are the same. It doesn't take much of a swelling to get in the way of your stream. My solution is to go back to hover peeing until 48 to 72 hours afterward when the irritation is gone and the swelling goes down - then all should be normal.
What type of exfoliate do you use after getting a bikini wax?
No way would I exfoliate after ANY waxing!! Leave it for 24 hours - the skin will be incredibly tender.
What can you do postwax to soothe irritated skin?
To soothe irritated skin, apply a cold pack to the area to reduce inflammation and close the pores, then apply a soothing moisturizer. And wear loose clothing on the day of your treatment to prevent from chafing.
What should I expect after my first waxing treatment?
Hairless skin! Also, everyone's skin reacts differently to waxing treatments, but you can expect to have temporary redness and minor irritation for a day or two. Slight itchiness may be experienced as the hair grows out. Proper post-wax care will alleviate these symptoms quickly.If you’re a bride or attending a special occasion, I recommend receiving waxing services a month before your special day to see how your skin reacts. If everything is fine, reschedule another wax a few days before.
bikini waxing and white bumps how do i get rid of them?
try bikini zone.. it works really good.. you can buy it at any drug store. and just in case it gets really bad .. try neosporin.
Itchiness after a bikini wax?
It is prolly your skin. It is prolly just irritated. I would find a cream that helps itch. Cortozone would be good prolly. Since it is your first time your skin isn't used to it and it just got irritated. It should go away after you have it done a few more times..
How long will I be red or sore after a bikini wax?
Only about 2 to 3 days.. Depending if ur skin is sensitive...
I just got a bikini wax done and when I came home i noticed hairs left. Should i call the spa to complain?
I would go back and have it taken care of. They wont mind..
My skin was torn during a bikini wax...what now?
You'll likely be ok. Since the wound is in a moist area, it may take a little longer to heal than something else like a cut on your arm. I've never heard of people getting serious infections from a bikini wax place before so you should have nothing to worry about. Keep a close eye on it, take extra care cleaning it, and neosporin won't hurt it either. If you do that it shouldn't get infected.
Is it normal to bleed a little bit after a bikini wax?
yes it is OK as long is not to much bleeding.and the best thing to use after waxing try aloe Vera gel with ladocane if you have pain if not the aloe Vera will do it.
I went for a bikini wax today is it possible to have a burned labia When she applied the way it was too hot?
yep... You should contact the location and inform them of the incident. Maybe they need to re-evaluate the person's technique so this doesn't happen to anyone else. In the mean time, stick with cotton panties/avoid thongs, use gentle soaps cleanser like Cetaphil to clean the area without irritation. I don't recommend ice on the area, just a cold pack or compress. Take an Ibuprofen for pain and inflammation. Make sure you keep an eye out for possible sides of infection.
Can I get a spray on tan directly following a bikini wax?
Whooo ya not the best idea. Can you wait at least 48 hours? I would give the skin time to heal, spray can clog the pores and cause your sking to be very irritated. I would recommend coochie cream you can google it and get it its awesome for irratation. Use it once in the shower each time after the wax and your good to go.
Going to a gynecologist with a bikini wax?
I am a nurse in an Emergency Department and I have seen it all (women with barrettes in their hair down there). And I am sure that a gynecologist has seen even more than that. I also shave everything. I think that is the trend these days and you definitely won't be the first person they would have seen. Not to mention the fact that they wouldn't say anything even if they did think it was weird.
How can I get rid of bumps after having bikini wax done?
You should use Azulene Finishing oil...It helps remoisturize your legs and makes them look really nice. It got rid of my bumps really fast and it smelled really good to. :D hope this helped
Just got a bikini wax and already have stubble-y hairs?
There must be some of the hair that didnt get pulled out by the root, since its so unlikely for hair to be growing back already it it was done properly. Perhaps go to a salon next time? I'd keep getting it done though, they look really sexy.

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Ingrown Hairs

How to prevent ingrown hairs?
Yes, begin exfoliating - gently - on a daily basis, but don't begin exfoliation until 24 hours have passed since you had your waxing done. Also, right after waxing, you can apply a skin lotion which contains salacylic acid to the area. It doesn't matter what kind, just look for one which has a high percentage of that ingredient. Use it right after waxing, and twice a day thereafter. That will help to prevent bumps and ingrown hairs. One other thing, try to not wear tight clothing for at least 24 hours after waxing. Tight clothing which rubs against your skin are almost certain to cause ingrowns and red bumps. Avoid this if you can.
Does a bikini wax itch when the hair grows back?
It's never itched for me. You could get a few ingrown hairs but nothing dramatic. Much better than shaving.
Will I get ingrown hairs?
It's possible .Waxing removes the entire hair, root and all, from the follicle. Your skin naturally hardens and thickens over the area that was waxed so it is important to keep that area gently exfoliated. Use a gentle scrub in that area about 2 days after waxing and continue to exfoliate 1 to 2 times a week thereafter. Remember, I said gentle!Also, use a mixture of tea tree and lavender oil. Both are antimicrobial and antibacterial and will prevent irritation.Try to wear loose-fitting clothes for a few days after to give your skin a chance to breathe and reduce moisture.The bikini, lip and underarms are where we tend to perspire the most. Perspiration and moisture cause bacteria to grow. Once that area has been waxed, the follicle is wide open to this bacteria creeping in.Try to avoid heavy exercise that will increase perspiration and chaffing for about 24-48 hours after waxing.
How can I prevent ingrown hairs?
For the next 24-48 hours avoid on the waxed areas:
  • use of exfoliating products (Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products, loofahs, scrubs, etc.)
  • direct sun exposure and tanning beds
  • creams with fragrance or ingredients that may irritate
  • deodorant: it results in irritation and clogging of open follicles
  • wearing tight clothing: results in irritation and inflammation
  • excessive heat, such as that from hot tubs and saunas. Warm showers are okay.
  • exercise, if it may cause chaffing or sweating
  • touching the freshly waxed area: this encourages irritation
After 24-48 hours, regular exfoliation with a shower gel and loofah or exfoliating glove will help keep skin soft and prevent ingrown hairs.Apply an SPF 30 or greater sunscreen to any exposed treatment areas. Since waxing exfoliates as well as removing hair, your skin will be more prone to sunburn in the days following your treatment.
Does waxing cause ingrown hairs?
Possibly. Some people get ingrown hairs no matter what type of depilation they choose. Exfoliating daily and using an ingrown eliminator that contains a combination of AHAs and BHAs, such as the amazing Serious Serum, can help this. It's the Urban wax favorite! We have a wide variety of exfoliants that we will happily recommend after your service.
What can I do About Ingrown Hair?
We recommend using a loofah sponge 24 hours after waxing. This is a great routine to do every day to get rid of the dead skin cells and help “lift” the hairs growing out. It will also help to speed up the hair removal process.

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Do It Yourself

What is the best way to do a bikini wax without going to a spa?
There is a product called Micro Tweeze I believe it to be the best wax product of all time, it is simple, clean and inexpensive. Do not use a depilatory as that region is sensitive and likely to result in chemical burns that are far from sexy.
How to do bikini waxing at home?
It hurts really, really bad the first time. You will have a hard time doing this to yourself, trust me. You will probably need somebody else to do this to you. There are two types of waxes to use. One type is a cold wax that you put on and then use strips of cloth to rip the hair off. You use this wax for the butt, area above the butt, and for pubic hair above your private region. There is a second type of wax which is green and is spread on warm. It dries and then you work your fingers under it and pull it off. With both types of wax you have to pull in the direction of the hair and do it fast to rip it out. Also, not sure how you will wax the areas you can't see like your butt, ana1 region, etc... I really recommend having someone else do this to you. Sorry I don't know the names of the waxes or where to get them. Beauty salons should know what they are called, and they should use both types for bikini waxes or other types of waxes. It is also good for only about a month, then you need to do it again. Do it when the hair is between 1/4" and 1/2". Also, before you wax the first time, trim down your hair to that length or it will hurt so bad you won't believe it.
Sally Hansen Waxing Brazilian bikini Kit Help!! How do I remove the wax after applying it?
if there is no paper then yo wait for the wax to dry and pull it off
My best friend has asked me to give her a bikini wax?
That's totally excellent. You should definitely do this and have her reciprocate. Leave a landing strip though! Having no body hair is great. Just remember to shave after the wax so you get rid of the dead outer layer of skin so you stay smooth
Is it safe to do a bikini wax on yourself with Veet Bikini Strips?
yes so nooooo.... you just cant pull it the way it needs to be done so get a friend to do it or go to the beauticians,wear a thong and they will take all the hair that is showing and also a thong got nice guideline shape to use and have it done they do it really fast so you hardly feel it,and doesnt cost much...i had to get in a bath to melt the wax and pull of the strips lol!

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Waxing Alternatives

Is there a way to get the bikini wax look but without the wax?
You can shave it but you are not going to get the same result. So you would have to use a hair removal (chemical depilatory) product.
What is a chemical depilatory?
A chemical depilatory is a cosmetic preparation used to remove hair from the skin on the body. Currently, common active ingredients are calcium thioglycolate or potassium thioglycolate, which breaks down the disulfide bonds in keratin and weakens the hair so that it is easily scraped off where it emerges from the hair follicle.
What is a good product to remove the hair down there, I dont really like the bikini wax idea.
I just use Veet waxing strips to do mine cut them in to little strips warm them up in your hands peel apart rub down on your area hold skin tight and pull in the opposite direction of hair growth to get the best result! 1st time I done it I was sore but after the 3rd 4th and 5th etc time you get used to it like plucking your eyebrows.. just wax it all of your bf will love it.... nothing gets in the way lol good luck misses
How to properly shave without getting razor bumps and how to achieve the bikini wax look by shaving?
Don't use veet or nair or any of those stinky hair removal creams. There nasty, and when I use them its just as if i shaved and it still grows back spiky. When I shave I like make sure I have been taking a hot bath for a while so the skin is like way ready to shave and I use conditioner, it makes it really smooth and I dont get any cuts at all, also I kind of shave in every direction, like I go over it again going the other way. And when Im dont if their are any hairs left, like under the skin or something I just pluck them out with tweezers. This works good with me.

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Convince Me Not To

When should I not wax?
We cannot wax you if you fall under any of the following categories:
  • You are using any Retinol products i.e. Retin A, Renova etc. on your bikini line or brow area.
  • You are using Accutane.
  • You have any kind of sunburn, laser burn, pustules or breakouts on the area to be waxed.
  • You are diabetic. However, we can wax you if you supply a doctor’s note saying it’s okay for you to wax.
We ask that you discreetly disclose any and all medical conditions you have before we wax you, especially any STDs. Also, please, please freshen up before your appointment. Although we always prep the skin with an antiseptic before we wax, we cannot apply wax to skin with any debris on it.
What are the possible side effects of waxing and how can they be minimized?
  • Although we can not predict or guarantee who may react, most clients do not experience reactions beyond redness and minor irritation. Hair may break at the root during waxing, causing some hairs to grow out faster. Please follow these guidelines to minimize irritation and possible break outs.
  • Avoid the sun immediately after waxing and please wear sun screen; recently waxed areas are prone to hyperpigmentation (permanent darkening of the skin) if exposed to the sun.
  • Avoid heavy exercise for at least 24 hours after waxing.
  • Avoid saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools and other heated sources for at least 48 hours.
  • Do not use exfoliating products (AHAs, scrubs, etc) and loofas for at least 24 hours after waxing as they might further irritate your skin.
  • Avoid tight clothing after waxing, especially in the waxed areas. Tight clothing may result in irritation and ingrown hairs.
  • Regular exfoliation may be helpful to remove dead skin so your hairs can get out above the surface of the pores and not become ingrown.
  • Routine waxing helps the skin get accustomed to the procedure and may minimize irritation.
  • Some people will experience a rash after waxing. It is not a break out and will last under a week. If this happens, apply Polysporin (NOT Neosporin) at least once a day for 3 days.
  • An annoying consequence of shaving and waxing -- occur when a hair curls into the skin and grows in the wrong direction, resulting in a red, irritated bump that can become infected. To help avoid ingrown hairs, I recommend using the loofah 24 hours after waxing. It helps pop the hair out of your skin to keep the skin healthy.
What are the drawbacks to bikini waxing?
You may still experience red bumps and ingrown hairs, just like with shaving. However, regular use of a loofah sponge will eliminate dead skin that prevents the now-weakened hair to get to the surface of the skin. Additionally, you have to go ten to fourteen days between wax jobs, so you'll have a period of time with stubble.

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Can I go tanning before or after a wax?
It’s best not to. Your skin will be too sensitive. Remember, waxing is an exfoliation. However, airbrush tanning after a wax is fine
Can a man get a bikini wax?
Many men are waxing rather than shaving to achieve a smooth genital region.
bikini wax with piercings???
I have sevreal piercings as well---- shaveing is easiest, sometimes i use nair, but I stay away from the waxing. I'm able to get all the hair around the piercings...
Will women in their late 30's with children consider getting a bikini wax?
I don't imagine waxing you bikini line a certain way is age related. Who's gonna see it?
Do you need to be 18 to get a bikini wax?
You should tell them you are under 18 and see what they tell you. Different states have different rules. They may ask one of your parents to come in with you.
Have any fat girls ever gotten a bikini wax, or esthetians ever give one?
It's got nothing to do with size. I was also reading in this month's Glamour that the average woman is 5'4" tall and 165 pounds, which qualifies as big. And that's the "average" woman, so you're not alone there. Look around you in the supermarket, at work and just around. *Most* women today are sized 12 and over! I have a good friend who is a sized 22 and proud of it - she's a big girl who comes from a family of big women and she doesn't see it as an issue. She tans regularly, gets waxed regularly and recently got a butterfly tattooed on her bikini line. I have friends that are estheticians, and they're just like doctors. They're concentrating on what they're doing (hair, wax, nails, whatever) as opposed to checking you out and/or judging.
Bikini Wax for the Obese?
Most deffintly, im obese and i get them done. Honey be happy with what you got! Who cares what they think!
Is a bikini wax waxing your Private area, or a whole body wax?
removing all hair in the genital region, most places give you the option of keeping a small strip or skipping the buttock area. but its not a full body wax... a body wax is called a "full body wax" and usually runs a few hundred bucks, depending on the place and product used.
How long before my wedding should I have a bikini wax in order to look fresh but not inflict pain?
2-4 days. Get one 6 weeks before and get a second a few days before
Discharging during a bikini wax?!?!?
I know how you feel because i discharge a lot also but its some thing we see all the time. (i wax people for a living) and its no big deal to me anyway. she will wear gloves and not think about it because so many things can cause you to discharge when getting waxed. the perisher, the feeling of pulling out the hair, etc... so don't worrier about it and try to have fun.
Why does waxing (bikini wax) make you darker than your actual skin color?
When you wax, you are causing a trauma to the skin, If your waxer is very rough or you have very sensitive skin, or if you get waxed to often, the skin will darken because it is "hurt". Stop waxing for a bit, and see if your skin lightens, If you do this then make sure in a week or so use a scrub very gently in the area so that the darker skin will slough off.
Can I shave between waxing appointments?
No. Please do not shave between waxing appointments! It disrupts the hair growth cycle resulting in more hair at your next appointment.
Will waxing make my hair grow back thicker/stronger/darker?
Absolutely not. Waxing does not cause you to grow more hair follicles. In fact, if you become a regular waxer, you will notice that your hair will become quite sparse and not as coarse.When hair is shaved, it is cut off at the thick part of the hair, which is why you can feel stubble the next day. A properly waxed hair is removed from the root, and when the hair starts to grow back it is a new hair, very fine at the tip, so no stubble.The only things known to stimulate hair growth are hormones: natural or artificial.
What are some of the dos and don'ts pre- and post-bikini waxing?
  • Do: Exfoliate in between waxing to reduce the chance of ingrown hairs.
  • Do: Use sun protection when exposing your skin to the sun. It is especially important during the first 24 hours after waxing in order to avoid redness.
  • Do: Let your waxer know before your appointment if you have any allergies, health conditions, or are taking any medication, like Accutane, or if you are using any topical lotions or creams like AHAs or Retin-A, which are not compatible with waxing.
  • Don’t: Use numbing products or pain relief medicine, such as Advil, as it is not necessary.
  • Don’t: Take alcohol (and other stimulants such as caffeine) prior to waxing, stimulants tighten the pores.
What types of skin reactions or conditions come about as a result of improper bikini waxing?
Hard and honey strip wax applied too hot can cause the skin to burn, itch or bleed. Additionally, some medications or medical conditions can cause the skin to react. These skin reactions can be reduced by an experienced waxer, who should have a keen eye for problems she sees on the customer’s skin prior to waxing and the waxing technique they use.
What are the pros and cons of the various bikini waxes?
Strip wax, applied hot, is the most popular wax used, and makes for a tedious, slow and painful procedure, often leaving the skin feeling sticky and irritated. Hard waxes are also applied hot and soon cool to break and crack, making the wax difficult to remove and reducing hair removal efficiency. Elastic wax, unique to Uni K Wax, is applied at body temperature allowing the wax to stretch and remove hair from large areas, without strips, causing less of a pull to the skin.

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